Day before Thanksgiving Checklist

....Allright here....let's get this thing started up...
2 gallons of 2% milk...........Check!
1 gallon of skim...................Check!
Oh wait! wrong checklist! I'm looking at the grocery list instead of the checklist to Jordan Moore's Bell 412 that I wanted to start up.
Thanksgiving break is here, I'm I'm glad it is...I'm ready for Turkey, football...and the best nap of the year, the one right after lunch! We're having 20 people over (sounds like alot...but it's actually less that half the family!) And 3 out of the 20 will be talking about aiplanes! I've told you about my Grandpa being a pilot, but my Uncle is also a pilot. He's owned and operated everything from a C404 to a C210, to his newest Piper Seneca V. He's even looking into a homebuilt challenger to put on floats for the lakehouse! :- D I'm sure I'll have some good talks at the table about my future career, heck...they might even want to see the sim! (The little ones always ask..."Ross....can I go fly?" I can't resist seeing 6 year olds flying an Extra 300 doing uncontrolled flips in the's very amusing!)
Well, my work for the day is done...groceries are taken care of, I'm off to go get some stick time in on my newest helicopter!